it doesn't work because you want to blit from the backbuffer to the primary surface, that's the problem. Try it this way :
Skullpture Entertainment
Skullpture Entertainment
You don't need to Blt the back buffer to the front buffer if you flip. Flip does that for you (well, it actually does something else), but it brings the back surface to the front.
The process you will want to use is this:
init front buffer, attach back
m_pBackBuffer->Blt(OffscreenSurface, rect, etc);
as many blts as neede
The flip will show what was on the back buffer.
I set up my primary surface, attach the backbuffer, etc, and load in a picture into the back surface. This works fine because I can flip, and I see the image.
however, when I call
lpddsprimary->Blt(sourceRect, backbuffer), destRect, etc)
it doesn't work. There is nothing. I know I may have mixed up the rectangles on this message, but it should work, shouldn't it?
The other thing is the DDS_WAIT (or
similar), which I have enabled.
If anyone knows why this doesn't work, please let me know.
p.s. i am using 16 bit colour at 640 x 480.
see ya
Sorry I couldn't be more clear in my function, its because I use the internet at school, but code at home, so I can't just copy and paste...
see ya