I have a problem loading a bitmap into a Direct3D Immediate Mode Texture, well it seems to be so. I don't get any error, but my cube is not textured. Using the D3DFramework and loading the Texture works fine.
I am using DirectX 6 and MSVC 6 !
This is my code to load the bmp:
BOOL CTexture::LoadBMP(char *strFilename){ HBITMAP hBm = NULL; BITMAP Bm; extern HINSTANCE ghInstance; extern CRenderer Renderer; extern HWND hWndMain; hBm = (HBITMAP)LoadImage(ghInstance,strFilename,IMAGE_BITMAP,0,0,LR_LOADFROMFILE|LR_CREATEDIBSECTION); if (hBm == NULL) { MessageBox(hWndMain,"Loading Bitmap failed","3D Engine",0); return FALSE; } GetObject(hBm,sizeof(Bm),&Bm); DDSURFACEDESC2 ddsd; ZeroMemory(&ddsd, sizeof(ddsd)); ddsd.dwSize = sizeof(ddsd); ddsd.dwFlags = DDSD_CAPS|DDSD_HEIGHT|DDSD_WIDTH|DDSD_TEXTURESTAGE; ddsd.ddsCaps.dwCaps = DDSCAPS_TEXTURE; ddsd.ddsCaps.dwCaps2 = DDSCAPS2_TEXTUREMANAGE; ddsd.dwWidth = Bm.bmWidth; ddsd.dwHeight = Bm.bmHeight; ddsd.dwTextureStage = 0; if (Renderer.pDD4->CreateSurface(&ddsd, &pDDSurface, NULL) != DD_OK) { DeleteObject(hBm); MessageBox(hWndMain,"Texture Surface Creation failed","3D Engine",0); return NULL; } HDC hdcImage; HDC hdc; HRESULT hr; int x,y,dx,dy; dx = dy = x = y = 0; hdcImage = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL); SelectObject(hdcImage, hBm); GetObject(hBm, sizeof(Bm), &Bm); // get size of bitmap ZeroMemory(&ddsd, sizeof(ddsd)); ddsd.dwSize = sizeof(ddsd); ddsd.dwFlags = DDSD_HEIGHT | DDSD_WIDTH; pDDSurface->GetSurfaceDesc(&ddsd); if ((hr = pDDSurface->GetDC(&hdc)) == DD_OK) { StretchBlt(hdc, 0, 0, Bm.bmWidth, Bm.bmHeight, hdcImage, 0, 0, Bm.bmWidth, Bm.bmHeight, SRCCOPY); pDDSurface->ReleaseDC(hdc); } else { MessageBox(hWndMain,"Texture GetDC failed","3D Engine",0); } DeleteDC(hdcImage); DeleteObject(hBm); if (pDDSurface->QueryInterface(IID_IDirect3DTexture2, (LPVOID *)&pDDTexture) != S_OK) { MessageBox(hWndMain,"Texture Query Interface failed","3D Engine",0); return FALSE; } return TRUE;}
My Renderer uses the pDDTexture member variable for:
I have used the D3DFrameworks support for textures and loading the same bitmap without changing the renderer works fine. So there must be an error in my BMP-Loading Routine.
What's wrong with my code ?????