oh brother. just great. Well, I figured I needed to upgrade to a new compiler anyway. I''m using Borland C++ 4.52. I''ll have to see if I can still get VC++6 for free from campus.
As to this pointer idea, is it a NULL pointer and then I figure out the location of the different elements based on data type memory size? So if the first two elements of my class were two integers, and the pointer to the class was *pntr, then the first int would be at *pntr and the second int would be *(pntr+sizeof(int))? but how would I reference anything after a string (of undefined size)? Or how would I reference a member function?
Aw forget it. I''ll just make everything public and still use most of the object oriented features. Maybe later if I figure it out I''ll change them back to private.
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