
DX7 - D3DXGetDeviceCount() crash

Started by October 01, 1999 05:58 PM
2 comments, last by Evil 25 years, 5 months ago
I manually forced the device count variable to be 1, and now the Sprite example crashes on the next D3DX library call (D3DXGetDeviceCaps).

The same programs work fine on my laptop (which, ironically, has no 3D acceleration hardware), and the D3DXInitialize() call works fine, so I'm thinking the D3DX library still need some debugging by Microsoft. It bums me out, because I really wanted to use it.


E.N.D. -
I thought the problem may have been caused by some D3DX incompatibility with the detonator reference drivers, so I tried switching to the manufacturers latest drivers (Diamond Viper 550).

No such luck. It's still exploding with the same invalid page faults.

E.N.D. -
My main development system has two display adapters. I use the nVidia Riva TNT card (and latest Detonator Reference Drivers), and don't even have a monitor attached to the Rage LT Pro AGP 2x on the motherboard.

NONE of the DirectX 7 D3DX utility library examples will run. They crash hard whether I'm using the retail or debug files.

I recompiled and debugged one of them to find that the problem lies in the calls to D3DXGetDeviceCount(). This function causes unhandled exceptions. Anyone else seeing this with a TNT board?

E.N.D. -
I have a workaround, but I'm not happy with it.

I found that if I completely disable the ATI graphics board in the registry, the D3DX samples now run.

I'm going to report this as a bug to MS.

E.N.D. -

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