If the clipper is such a big pain in the b*t, why waste time worrying about it - write your own. It's similar to the performance issues of memset() - OK it's dead slow, but, hell, how hard is it to write your own.
This is really a general issue about software development and code re-use. It is frequently a lot faster to do your own stuff than attempt to use something that may or may not work (or something that only partly solves your problem). Unless the problem at hand is very complex, 3rd party software is, in general, more trouble that it's worth.
My experience with DX tells me that it's good for getting HW independent access to the framebuffer og HW blitting (and setting screen modes), but that's about it.
Same goes for DirectPlay, DirectMusic, Direct3D etc.: attempt to use any but the very core functions and you're f*cked.
Just my opinion...