
DX7 code name?

Started by September 27, 1999 10:18 AM
3 comments, last by Pseudo 25 years, 5 months ago
no, it isn't, fahrenheit should be a co-production by ms and sgi, a mix between direct3d and opengl, but sgi left, so only ms is developing fahrenheit, and it's not the same as dx.


Skullpture Entertainment

Graphix Coding @Skullpture Entertainment
Ah, I read what was up with farenheit, and when I saw that dx7 was taking on many of the ogl features, I thought that it may have been that joint effort.
fahrenheit would not only be d3d with opengl features, just a completely other coding-style, a mix between both api's. the features supported are nearly the same now, nothing really new as fahrenheit should have.


Skullpture Entertainment

Graphix Coding @Skullpture Entertainment
I just started looking at the new docs for DX7, and it looks like alot of changes were made. (many seem to look like they were influanced by OGL) Is DX7 the project that was code named Farenheit that everyone use to talk about?
From what I have seen, the first fruits of the Fahrenheit project should be seen in DirectX 8, which has been in the works for a while now. I plan to ask the DirectX team at XGDC to see what kind of effect SGI's departure has had.

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