Me and a few friends are working on a simple 3D multiplayer game and I have some questions
Firstly, I made a solid node BSP compiler and the renderer uses this, drawing in back to front order. Now thats all well and good, but if two brushes intersect, collision detection on the compiled map seems to not notice the polys which were intersected. I compiled a few examples of this on paper, and I see why it happens, but I was wondering if anyone had a solution to this? I was trying to remove intersects before it actually compiles the tree, but that didnt work so well, I''ll try again soon. Also would it be simpler to just compile the tree once, test all polys if they are fully inside another brush, then remove those, and just recompile again? Coz I tried that too, but there were heaps of bugs in the final map!!
Oh and how can I decide which polygons are "facing out" of the level, like the back of a wall which would never be seen in-game? Quake/UT, etc all do it somehow, and I''m pretty sure its something they do with the compiled tree, but I dont know what, any ideas???
I really need ur help people!! thanks in advance!