
DX Video Modes and the Monitor

Started by September 16, 1999 06:44 AM
4 comments, last by Martin 25 years, 5 months ago
I'm not completely sure, but I believe when you enumerate the modes the video card supports it only includes those supported by the monitor too.


That doesn't appear to be the case, my graphics card returns enumerated screen modes of up to 2K by somthing or other while the monitor supports 1600x1280 as a maximum. Selecting a enumerated mode higher than this requires a reboot.


Cheers,MartinIf I've helped you, a rating++ would be appreciated
The video card doesn't know anything about the monitor. it puts out a certain signal at the given frequency, and the monitor better be reading the signal in that way or the image is messed up. Window's should know something about the monitor, and maybe there's some Win API call you can use, but DirectX does't keep track of it.

The video card just tells you what modes IT can support, assuming you had a monitor that could support them also.


You CAN obtain which modes are supported by monitor ONLY if monitor Plug&Play. This was it can tell you which of them he support, and which not.
But i don't know how to check this.


After I've enumerated all the video modes the graphics card can support how do I check for monitor support?


Cheers,MartinIf I've helped you, a rating++ would be appreciated
If you are working under DirectX 7, take a look at the IDirectDraw7::EvaluateMode and IDirectDraw7::StartModeTest.

ICQ #8446093

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