
DirectSound notify interface?

Started by September 14, 1999 12:35 AM
1 comment, last by Void 25 years, 5 months ago
The DirectSoundNotify function is definetely implemented in DirectX6 (dx5 also?), make sure you have installed the DX6 SDK properly by replacing the old DX files (*.h *.c *.lib *.h) with the new ones supplied in the new SDK. Read the DX6 SDK Documents, they have the example code within the CHM files themselves. Make sure your project setup is pointing to the DX6 library, not the old dx3 library.
Also make sure you are calling the correct functions to access the new DX6 functions, i.e. ->QueryInterface...

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I cannot seems to get the idirectsoundnotify

As state in the MSDN, I query for the interface with the loaded sound buffer but the error returns is interface not found. My sound buffer plays ok so what could be it?

Is the docs wrong or am I missing something here?


I am using DX 5.0.

The interface is documented there and also I found it defined in the dsound.h.
Still no luck. Or getting the DX6.0 SDK.

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