Note, however, that even tho your display is locked, everything else is functioning beneath the surface... if your machine *appears* to be hung, usually it's because something has triggered VC's debugger, and VC has popped up a message box. Try hitting the space bar (equiv. to clicking "OK" on the msgbox), then hitting Alt+F5 (or whatever your "Stop Debugging" key is). If this doesn't work, try hitting Alt+F4.. it'll close VC, but it's better than rebooting each time.
If you can put together a multimon system, I'd highly reccommend it. I run 2 monitors, and leave VC maximized on the 2nd monitor when debugging, that way if something happens I can see it / trace thru it.
I believe there's also a trick you can do with pumping text out through an MDA adapter, but I've never tried this.
Hope it helps...
Mason McCuskey
Spin Studios