
rendering into textures

Started by September 05, 1999 06:31 PM
2 comments, last by Sengir 25 years, 6 months ago
You can in D3D.

I can't remember the exact procedure, but you create a surface with both the flags of a buffer and a texture...

Would someone please give some info on how to go about creating a texture that you can use BltFast with. My texture return failures when I tried it on a texture created with just the texture cap. What more do I need to do?
would be great if it would be possible to render into textures in hardware like you render into a framebuffer.
just wanted to say that...great algorithms which you could use with software could be used in hw, too.

I found out what is the matter, but I still have a problem. I have tested my texture code, and it works fine. I have Blt'ed from offscreen plains to the texture, and that works fine, but when I try to blt from the front buffer, or the backbuffer, to either the texture surface, or the offscreen surface, the blt there something I don't know about blting with the screen buffers? How can I get around this?

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