
FreeBSD installation questions

Started by October 20, 2007 07:01 PM
1 comment, last by Captain_Thunder 16 years, 11 months ago
Right now, my laptop is dual-booted with Windows XP and Ubuntu Linux, and I'm considering replacing Ubuntu with FreeBSD. I have a few questions about the installation process: 1) Can I delete my Ubuntu partition during the FreeBSD install, or should I do it before? 2) When I get asked which bootloader I want to install, should I choose the FreeBSD bootloader, or None? I already have GRUB installed, and it boots both Ubuntu and Windows, so I'm wondering if it would boot BSD fine as well.
1) You should be able to delete Ubuntu during installation.
2) For dual booting all FreeBSD bootloader suck somehow. Install GRUB or another bootloader afterwards, that's much easier.
I ended up installing on an empty machine, but thanks for the reply.

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