
[4e6] World Wild West

Started by October 12, 2007 02:11 PM
37 comments, last by sirGustav 16 years, 6 months ago
For the past week I've been implementing enemies, health(so you can die) an slowmo effect and oh crystals :). I can now say that I am have the ability to produce some of the worst viceovers ever.

With all theese features I'm more or less feature complete on the game side. There is still a ton of stuff I would like to do, that I originally planned for, but dont have the time for. Like multiple weapons(pistols, lasso and shotguns among others), ragdolls and smarter enemies. There is also allot of the code that I would like to design different. Some in a totally different way, others merely a namechange.

So here I am, less than a month until deadline and I think I'm going to put together a small demo, and another youtube movie to prove to the 'guys with graphical talent' that this is a fun game(to make some graphics for) and not a waste of time, so hopefully I can spend some time to tweak the physics and add a in game meny and cartoon like - max payne inspired cut scenes(ie static images with sound). Until them enjoy these stress tests of my system - do you think these counts as explosions :)

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All images are taken in slowdowned mode, hence the grayscale, as it's not humanly possible to throw that many dynamites in normal mode ;)

[Edited by - sirGustav on March 6, 2008 11:21:31 PM]
">Second video (with sounds)
Pleas don't laugh that much at my terrible voiceovers, if I win with those voiceovers the other the judges must be wrong :)
If anyone wants to make some nice graphics(or voiceovers) it's fine by me :) I'll probably make a help wanted post later and upload a alpha preview for download :)
I still miss some major features such as story elements, configurable keys, a meny, and a restart on death key(that's a high priority).
Pretty cool, how did you achieve the slow down effect?
I dream hard of helping people.
The slowmo is simply achieved by multiplying the delta-t, for some objects, with some value between 0 and 1(currently it is 0.2 at it's lowest), and changing the grayness and sound frequency based on that value.

Dev img post with download can be found here. Please let me know that there are no bugs in there so I can continue add more features :)

[Edited by - sirGustav on March 13, 2008 12:15:56 AM]
I started the CowboyGame.exe in the release folder and it was missing some PhysX dlls, luckily I had them so I put them in and then restarted, i got the screen where I choose my graphics driver (on the Ogre screen). I tried both drivers but got the same error "Unable to initialize the PhysX SDK, 0-".

Please fix :D

edit: by driver i meant render system :whistle:
Great work Gustav!!
Did you read the readme?
Quote: As this is a preview release the download has been stripped to a minimum. This game requires PhysX 2.7.3 to be installed. You do not need the PhysX card to run the game, only the driver.

accidentally that same readme also explains how to use the hardcoded controls :)

Besides you shouldnt need to copy the physx dlls, thats probably why you get a 0(no error) as the error message. If you installed the right version it should just work :)
Keep up the good work!
I guess it's pretty obious by now that I didnt complete the game :(

Since the last time I've added a menu and configurable keys. However I still miss story elements a few bugfixes and goodlooking media. (un)fortunately I will stick to my word and stop development after deadline. Just for fun, I'll see if I can create a installer that installs the game and source (so you can mock me) :)

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