
[4e6] World Wild West

Started by October 12, 2007 02:11 PM
37 comments, last by sirGustav 16 years, 6 months ago
Nice screenshots. It starts to get crowdy. I'm looking forward to see your physics in action. Do you have a fps cap, or are all events function of (correct) time?
Thanks :)

At the moment the components receives the event the moment when the sender sends it. The component has two functions. sendToObject() and sendToWorld(), the first sends to all the components in the current object and the latter sends to all components in the current world. I was planning on some more complicated elaborate messagehandling but I wont have any time.

I don't have any fpscap, but my mainloop is structured to send two world events, Tick and frame. A tick represents a precise amount of time, and if the fps is low enough it might be sent(executed) several times per frame. Frame is sent(executed) right before I render everything, and it is always executed once per frame.

The tick should handle logic updates and the frame is for fixing user input, and interpolating the graphics. Though at the current implementation the physics is a little unstable(gotta fix that) so the physics update are done in frame instead.
Abstracted away the ois input model(seperate keyboard and mouse buttons) in favor of my own, so as soon as I add a little piece of code to handle mouse buttons I can easily switch my bindings between keyboard and mouse buttons.
Some other updates to the dynamite explosion(yay, first element), but I guess you can most of them from the screenies :)

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Due to the (strange) fun-ness of throwing huge amounts of dynamites and watch them explode all around you and the short deadline I might have to cut some features short and expand on others. I am more or less thinking of a 'survive-as-long-as-possible-with-funny-story-elements' kinda game.
Heh, that looks like a lot of fun. I like the little clouds.
I like the cartoony style.
Thanks guys :)

Small update, you can now shoot (at the crates) :)

">Here is a YouTube video"
of some of the latest features, without sound as I don't own the right to redistribute some of the sounds that I am using (for testing purpose) and because the physics are a little bit wonky and plays the collision sound to often.

I hope you can see anything despite the crappy quality and the sudden clip changes, if not then I'll add a few screens as well :)
Looks good, though it would be a lot more visually seamless if the model was cell-shaded or something like that :)
Haha it looks good.

I love the "Bang" and "Pow" sound effects, however, around 28 sec mark, the Pow seemed to repeat itself. Maybe limit Pow's to only occur if the collision happens at a high velocity.

Can't wait to see some bandits :D

Well the explosions are great - how long till we see some crystals, accountants (okay so the protagonist is one, but still), and ponies?

Good luck, should be a strong game
Looks really awesome, but I agree that the bang and pow should only show up at high speed collisions.
Wow. Such nice comments :) This must be what you get when you only open firefox once a week to focus my sparetime on coding :) Thanks all :)

I tried celshading at first, but half of the level came out black, perhaps it was my lowpoly models or my-too-black-shade-image. I promise that I'll try it out again if I got the time later on. I am now in a remove-features mode where I cut out stuff that isn't needed for the game. Ragdolls looks like they take too much time so they are out, for the moment, and I was looking forward at playing with my ragdolls :(

The repeating 'pow' are there because I fire alot of bullets. Each pow is created when I fire my gun. There is a little smoke created when the "bullet" hits the ground, but not when it hits the create(at the moment). I should make the pow's appear a little random, but that is also on the want-but-not-need list :(
I don't really know what you mean with that the bang should only show up in high-speed collisions. The 'bullet' in question here is a simple raytrace from the gun(hip) in the aim direction, or are you talking about that there is to-many pows and when I fire alot of bullets at once there should only be some pows instead a pow for each bullet? A random distribution of the pow's should fix that also, right?

The crystals will be dropped by the bandits, so you can pick them up, you either gain dollars to buy more weapon/ammo or simply points to a hi-score.

The main protagonist is the accountant and will(from time to time), like the good Duke, call out comical mugshots, like "I am the accountant - tremble in fear", "Rule 4E-8, don't mess with the accountant" and "With those diamonds I could be a rich accountant".

The ponies are integrated through the story, since the game will be based around traveling from town to town(levels) and killing bad guys, you are using the "Pony Express". There is a little more than that, since I (tried to) add a little bit of comical theme to the game(also apparent through the comic look and the trashtalking)

[Edited by - sirGustav on February 20, 2008 1:26:08 PM]

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