
Has anyone had this problem with ATI card/drivers?

Started by September 25, 2007 01:08 PM
8 comments, last by d000hg 17 years ago
I have an ATI X1300 which came with my PC. Probably it sucks for games but I've not cared so far. What I do care about is that a few days ago my computer started acting odd. Whenever I turn it on the colors are ugly. If I open my ATI catalyst control panel and select to re-enable some color manager, it goes correct immediately. Is this common? [Edited by - d000hg on September 26, 2007 12:23:05 PM]
I have a similar card, the ATI x1400. I haven't had any problems with it. Try reinstalling the drivers.
Where are the ugly colors?

Is this some lame jab at MS? I don't see anything wrong with that image.
............Could Jesus microwave a burrito so hot that he himself could not eat it?
It looks fine to me. I think your monitor connection is screwed up or there is physical damage to your monitor or card's signal generator.

Moving to Hardware.
My ATI X800 Pro does odd things in Vista and sometimes forgets the colour settings. Which I assume is what you're seeing.
Take a photo of your monitor on a wooden table and post that. Make sure the wooden table is visible.


Try uninstalling the catalyst crap, reboot, then install the Omega Drivers. Its what I use. I've never had problems with these drivers. And they don't have the catalyst .net crap. Again, make sure you uninstall your current ati drivers first!
I had something like that happen (it didn't show up in screenshots either); I think basically one of the bits it was using for colors didn't work because when ever colors got over a certain threshold they seemed to "wrap around" (i.e. exactly half of the colors were wrong).

Then my card stopped working altogether, then it started working again, then my computer stopped working and I haven't been able to figure out what was wrong since.

EDIT: I was using an nVidia card, though.
-~-The Cow of Darkness-~-
OK so what it looks like on my PC, instead of a smooth transition from dark to pale blue, I get one half in dark blue and the other half in light blue. No fading, just a line in the middle where they meet.
I already reinstalled the drivers, no change. I don't see how it's a hardware problem since When I select "reactivate colour control" or randomly do stuff in the ATI control panel, it comes back. But I did wiggle all the cables and connections etc.
It's like the driver is forcing my card into lame mode, then kicking back in. The whole time it's in 32bit colour and so I just don't understand.

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