
Error plz help

Started by April 23, 2001 08:21 PM
0 comments, last by Daboy 23 years, 9 months ago
*I know this doesnt beling here but i didnt get a response in lounge and RM i know that u use Delphi....Plz Dont Delete this RM ive been trying to fix this for days.....Thx Hello, Im very new at programming and Im using Delphi....Ok, when i download a component and put it into a form it has problems finding a file that it is looking for.....It happens with every component ive downloaded...Ill Give you an example. ______________________________________________________________ program LogoApp; uses Forms, LogoMain in ''LogoMain.pas'' {LogoAppForm}, Application, Forms, LogoMain in ''LogoMain.pas'' {LogoAppForm}, Application; uses Forms, LogoMain in ''LogoMain.pas'' {LogoAppForm}, *Application, Forms, LogoMain in ''LogoMain.pas'' {LogoAppForm}, {$R *.RES} Application,;,Initialize; Application.CreateForm(TLogoAppForm, LogoAppForm); Application.CreateForm(TAboutBox, AboutBox); Application.CreateForm(TForm1, Form1); Application.Run; end. -------------------------------------------------------------- The Error says:[Fatal Error] logoapp.dpr(9): File not found: ''Application.dcu'' -------------------------------------------------------------- And it directs me to the line where i put a *. I know it must be an easy more question. ----------------------------------------------------- One More Error....... Here is a little bit of it --------------------------------------------- uses Forms, NOTEBOOK1 in ''NOTEBOOK1.pas'' {SDIAppForm}, About in ''ABOUT.PAS'' {AboutBox}, Unit12 in ''notebook1.dcu'' {AboutBox1}; _____________________________________________________ [Fatal Error] sdiapp.dpr(7): Could not compile used unit ''NOTEBOOK1.pas'' Whats that mean??? Thx For Your Help
Some help plz

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