
Is there a Quake 3 Level Editor?

Started by December 27, 1999 01:05 PM
3 comments, last by 25 years, 2 months ago
I think Q3A uses the Q3Radiant for the maps. You should be able to download from here
I am programming a Q3 like Engine for a while now. I looks really good now. But I don´t want to use the Q3 Levels any more and want to use my own ones.
Now the question : Is there a Quake3 Level Editor out there? Perhaps not a official but perhaps somebody has a link..
I really dont want to create my own Editor...


bye blacksun

Thanks a lot..

I hope it works...

bye blacksun

I noticed your engine must be reading in the Q3 BSP maps.
I would of thought that would of been a really big job, working out the format of the q3 maps, then reading it in and decoding it for your game.
I''m guessing it isn''t that hard, does anyone know how i would go around doing this for my engine?

I''m currently using an independant file format, not very efficient or fast.
Try a program called "Aftershock" its a Q3A compatible renderer and the best part is: ITS OPEN SOURCE!! go find it at

-Erik L. Elmore
-Erik L. Elmore

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