

Started by December 13, 1999 03:31 PM
4 comments, last by SCRUB 25 years, 2 months ago
Hmm... well I'm not completely sure of your question, but I'll take a guess. Your asking about how to create level content, correct?

Here's what I suggest: First, put together some simple window interfaces -- a window with a menu bar you can use, for example (I'm assuming your programing this game in windows, not DOS, although these ideas still do apply to DOS). The reason why you want to do this is so that you can create a level editor. Basically, this level editor will allow you to design your levels then save them out to a file. Then your game can read these level files and use them appropriately (i.e fill in neccasary data structures, load images, etc.).

There are many advantages to creating levels. First off, you can create things much more quickly with a level editor. Second off, you can allow friends or other people on the project to easily create a level without hard coding it into the game. Finally, it's sort of fun to do .

Sorry if your question is entirely different though . Maybe you could be a bit more specific.


sorry fot the bad explanation , but yes this is exactly what im looking for . But to do it this way i probably would have to do a tile based game , is there any other sort of level designing methods out there that arnt too difficult . Just to know if there are other ways of attacking it .



I am also very interested in this topic. I understand most of the main aspects of tiles and such. My big problem is that for the life of me I cannot begin to think of how to even start a level editor. I'm totally lost. Does anyone know of any tutorials or anything that can help get me started?
Check out for the Mappy level editor. It's full of features and pretty easy to use. The developer even has a few tutorials and sample games for you to check out.

And for all you newbies out there, listen up... this will get you drooling...

Full source code for the player and the map editor... for several platforms!

I knew you guys would like that.

William Reiach - Human Extrodinaire

Marlene and Me

im going to be making a 2d scrolling game very soon . I have advice/books on all the main aspects .
but im looking for information on how to develop a levels , how to make some types etc . Some thing like R-type or something simular . If anybody has any ideas or any helpful comments/books

please let me know ..

WOW cheers , i love you mannnnnn

yup great is this website ..

invaluable i think



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