
Can you ever do too much?

Started by August 24, 2007 06:15 PM
10 comments, last by Rusty Knight X 17 years, 6 months ago
Original post by WorldPlanter
Nikola Tesla isn't somehow brought into the mix is he?

I still hope to be the first person to give Tesla a prominent role in fiction.

Original post by pinacoladaIf you need reassurance, play a Metal Gear Solid game and count how many topics they cover :)

Ain't that the truth!

YES, there can be an overload of topics, but that kinda stuff only happens when they don't add up. Look at Timesplitters: Future Perfect. They got

Aliens, Scottish People, Hippies, Time Travel, Zombies, Ninjas, Genetic Experiments, Robots, Conspiracies, Sex Jokes, etc etc. And it worked out well I'd say.

My webcomic actually includes a HUGE variety of things, but it works out because it's all linked. If it'll make ya feel better here's my list.
spiritual entities, crazy government experiments, LAZER WEAPONS BZZZ! Robots, desert ninjas, masked banditos, religous zealots, jacked up police officers, giant robots, cowboys, huge golden mullets, crazy old inventors, spirit bunnies, et cetera, et cetera.

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