Also, with the debug DLL's, errors are displayed in the debugger window in VC (along with a lot of other, helpful information.) This requires that you either have a dual-monitor setup, or that your application can run in a window.
again -> directx errorcodes???
I think most of the error codes exist as #defines in either ddraw.h or winerror.h. Might want to do a find-in-files in your include directories.
Mason McCuskey
Spin Studios
The Cuttlefish Engine lets anyone develop great games for iPad, iPhone, Android, WP7, the web, and more!
ive tried to compile my code using D3DXGetErrorString() but without success. im using dx sdk 5.x. it is possible that it works only in sdk 6.x or higher ?
a search over the sdk tutorial also gets no success. on my machine ive installed dx6.0 runtime. what can i do to get D3DXGetErrorString() run on my machine?
and: has somebody any idea or an online manual how to install the terminal debugger on a win95(development machine) and a winnt-server(should be the terminal debugger) under vc++ using a tcp/ip network. vc++ books includes == NULL and the ms sites have 1000000 sites with 1000000 information for this prob.
thanks for all help
can anybody tell me what this errorcode, coming from a createsurface-call, means:
ff80070057 ?????????
and: can anybody tell me how to compare errorcodes with the directx sdk errorcode defines such as DDERR_ILLEGALRECT. I mean the problem is that the routine allways gives me a number, so getting this number i must compare through a list of errorcodes to find the correct one and than i can read the errorcode - or is this wrong - which is the best work and where can i find a list of errorcodes such as (DD_OK = 0)
thanks for any help
You may find it worthwhile to upgrade to the latest version.
Writing your own version of it is trivial, just do something like the following:
const char* GetDDrawErrorString(HRESULT hresult)
return "Surface Lost";
return "Surface is busy";
return "Survace was already locked";
. . .
return "Unknown Error";