
Something like GetModuleFileName in Linux?

Started by August 10, 2007 03:33 PM
10 comments, last by Umesh G Tank 17 years, 1 month ago
Don't know if you're talking about game data as in your resources, or game data as in user preferences, etc.. but any user preference files, configuration files, etc... it's most "friendly" to store in ~/.(yourgamename)/
I am not very much sure that the boost::filesystem will solve Foxostro's problem. but i am sure with the code that was there in the previous post will behave similar to GetModuleFileName in windows. I also need the same api that will work cross platform and i wrote a simple sample application. if i will put that exe in different drive (e.g c:\ in windows) then it was giving me correct path. i put that exe in different drives and folder but each time i got the correct path information, if i am not wrong then thats what GetModuleFileName is doing. That sample is very very simple even though if anybody wants that i will be happy to share it too.... :-). i am sorry if i am going out of track


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