
Mobile Game Development, a Tough Business

Started by August 09, 2007 09:45 PM
10 comments, last by FlashChump 17 years, 6 months ago
Hey Guys. I got to be honest. I'm freaking out lately. Since the past 2 years we have been working to make mobile game development a business... thing that only can be achieved by selling your games in MAAANY places at the same time. The thing is, we have had a bad time finding "MANY" places. Actually, we only have found 1 place that actually sells games thinking on developrs... making the process almost "automatic" ( <- GREAT SITE!). But, that's only 1 site. How is that i see many developers selling their games partnering with distributors or agregators? They don't even answer our emails. Any advise on this? Anyone knows how we can get thru this? How many games do we need to start serious chat with this companies? Thanks. And most regards.
Original post by Goguis
How many games do we need to start serious chat with this companies?

How many have you made?

-- Tom Sloper --

We have 2 games (3 more being developed) and 25 more app (comics) for mobile handsets.
Maybe it would be a good idea if more of us put their games together and try to sell them in a package.

I've made one game 2 years ago (see, some distributors found it good (jamba / jamster), but they also told me 1 game is too less. Meantime i made another java game and currently i'm working on a Symbian 3D game (port to Win Mobile later).
Also, we could help each other to test the games.
JoeJ, I found your idea quite interesting. I think that it will be a very good way to work for all of us indie developers. Can we talk further about this subject in person (thru internet)?
Send me a PM, maybe with your email, msn or skype contact.

I talked a couple of years ago with a distribution company intaiwan, i still have the contact. The usual way to introduce a game or product is thru a very polished presentation... is it? But you cant send, if you have them, 30 presentations on 1 email.

About the subject JoeJ, if we can get a good content package with a couple of developers (about 20 games), I think I could use that for latin america distributors. Also i could do the testing, if i have enough games to make it interesting, of the 30 more popular mobile handsets here in Latin America.

Anyone else interested in this sibject? PM me please.

Well, I've been working on the mobile field and I can say that operators are, in general, a big player on this field. And to get to the operators, you have to demonstrate somehow that you are capable of producing games that behave well on the 100+ different handsets out there.

Well, there are other things as well, but for a small shop that certainly is an issue (unless you are specifically concentrating on some specific platform, which isn't good either).
---Sudet ulvovat - karavaani kulkee
Is an operator synonymous with publisher?
Original post by FlashChump
Is an operator synonymous with publisher?

No. The mobile games business model is pretty complicated. The operator is the service provider (like Verizon or AT&T/Cingular or Sprint - the telephone company). Those phone companies offer all kinds of goodies and services to their customers, and those services usually include downloadable games.
The publisher is a company (like Yahoo or Konami, for instance) who provides the games (obtained from a variety of developers) to the phone companies.

-- Tom Sloper --

Tsloper, that means i need to talk to Konami? (for instance)
Original post by Goguis
Tsloper, that means i need to talk to Konami? (for instance)

I was only answering the question about what an operator is. I have no recommendations to give you other than network like crazy. Go to CTIA (there's one coming up soon IIRC).

-- Tom Sloper --

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