
GPU Problems

Started by August 05, 2007 09:49 AM
-1 comments, last by Bertil 17 years, 2 months ago
Hi! Dunno if this is the right place to ask this kinda stuff, but I'll give it a try. Actualy I have two problems on two of my computers. The first one is on my stationary computer. I have a Radeon X800XT that is 3-4 years old by now and it has worked fine all these years until now. One day when I started the computer nothing came up on the screen, it was as if the computer wasn't connected to the monitor at all even when it was. First I checked the monitor on my other computer and that worked fine so I located the problem to the GPU. I tried to get it work but didn't succed so I borrowed a mates graphic card to make sure there was nothing wrong with the motherboard, and it worked with his card. So for some weeks I thought it was the end of days for my own GPU, but today I thought I'd try my own again and see if I could make it work since the one I borrowed is not as good as my own one, and to my surprise it started up and seemed to work perfectly. So I started a game (Titan Quest) and it worked well... for about 5 minutes, but then the picture got totally messed up and I got an ATI message in windows saying that my graphics card isn't responding to the driver commands and that it has been reset and needs to reboot. I restarted and everything seemed fine again. I tried another game too (The Sims 2) and it was the same there.. worked well for 5-10 minutes but then it got all weird and that message poped up again. However it seems to work well in windows. Well sometimes similar graphic glitches appear in windows but so far that has just been temporary and it has recovered from it without getting those ATI messages. I suspect a connection problem between the card and my motherboard, but I don't know. Since it mostly seem to happen in games but work in windows I worry it can be something more serious. However if it just is some connection problems, then does anyone know what I can do? If there is anything to do. I hope there is a cheaper solution to this than getting a new graphics card. Now to the other problem on my other computer. It is a laptop and I have a GeForce Go 7900 GTX, and this card is working fine hardware-wize. However I am suffering some problems in some games. Again, Titan Quest is one of the games I am experiencing problems with, the screen turns all black at times, and also the game lightning "disappears" at times. I have heard other people with NVIDIA cards that's been experiencing similar problems, and the talk has been about the NVIDIA drivers. The version of drivers that I use is and I've not seen any newer versions of them to upgrade to. Another game I have problems in is Prince of Persia - The two thrones. If anyone knows any NVIDIA drivers that works better I'd apreciate any help I can get. And the same for the problem with my other graphics card that I described above. All help is apreciated. Thanks in forehand / Bertil

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