ZBuffer Precision
Hi there,
Got a question concerning the precision of the Z-Buffer. I currently use a 32 bit one, and i want to have both objects nearby and objects far away rendered. I set the units so that 128 units equal about 2 metres. Then, i thought I''d need a maximal viewing dist of about 600 metres, which make up 38400 units, where i also set the far culling plane. My near culling plane was set to 10 which roughly are 10 cm, which is the highest value that doesn''t cull walls nearby. Yet, when I put in for example a water plane on my terrain, all poly edges start to flicker. I know this is a problem of the z Range being to large. But how did they get rid of this problem in some commercial games? (thinking of DF3 for example) Any ideas would be really appreciated
- just to have something in here
For what i understood in other posts, you should increase your near clip plane value.
Thanx for your answer, I know could do that, but the problem is when increasing the near plane to lets say 40 cm ( i.e. 20 units ), walls would get culled too soon, so a player might be seeing through the walls directly afront of him, unless I set collision radius to something very high, which I dont want to.
- PestilencE
- PestilencE
- just to have something in here
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