
2D Blitting basics

Started by November 26, 1999 06:10 AM
0 comments, last by 25 years, 3 months ago
I am new to graphics programming in a big way. I have done some text games but they were mostly linear(like the old flip books). I read about blitting pixels all the time, but fail to grasp the actual concept. What is happening Hardware wise when you do so. What options do I have when it comes to 2D games? Could someone point me in the direction of sudo code to blit to the screen. I think I need a more simplified version of doing 2D graphics.

If this is important: I use c++ for my programming, and would like to use windows as a platform. I am aware of the DirectX tutorials but seem to get lost when reading them.

Blitting means to tranfer one piece of memory into another. In your case it copies the screen information from your picture to the memory on the graphic board which will display the screen.
When you want to have a start with DirectX try "Windows game programming for Dummies"(idiotic name but a good book)by Andre Lamothe. Next one to read would be Inside Directx(Microsoft Press).
The last truth is that there is no magic(Feist)

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