
Building Circuits

Started by July 11, 2007 08:33 AM
0 comments, last by Ravuya 17 years, 2 months ago
I am taking a course this semester called (For some obscure reason "Numerical Systems") Classes started today and I found out that in stead of being some vague math-related subject, it actually deals with implementing concepts taught in Computer Architecture courses. So, for the Project I have to build a circuit for a Pong game. Only, there won't be a screen, it will be represented by LEDs flashing on and off. If anyone out there knows of good sites that covert this kind of thing or even if you have some pointers, please send them along. Thank you in advance
I'd imagine you'd want some kind of microprocessor/microcontroller, unless you're stuck with just gates and whatnot (which makes sense).

An Arduino should have all the hardware you really need to accomplish something like this, and you can pick up an LED panel from some place like Sparkfun.

If you can only use gates, though, I'd look up the various chunks of a CPU (half adders, etc) and then study how to make a reasonable emulation of a simplified pong game.

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