
Level Editor

Started by April 13, 2001 03:09 PM
2 comments, last by PsyVision 23 years, 10 months ago
hiya, Just a short one. What is the best level editor for a game that has both indoor and outdoor areas, are there any around at the moment ? Is it better to have two seperate files of indoor and outdoor data or not, i think not ?? In my engine is it better to have two seperate parts to handle indoor and outdoor areas or use octrees, with heavy culling to handle it with one main engine part ?
Try gtkRadiant. Its a version of Q3Radiant used for the outdoor scenes in quake 3 team arena. Its the same as Q3Radiant but with the new functions for outdoors. is the web site where you can find it.


Edited by - SirKnight on April 13, 2001 4:56:05 PM
Well, Tribes used two engines, and so did Descent3.

Both used a portal-based engine for indoor scenes, and a ROAM-like engine for the outdoors scenes. When a portal rendered with a visible, empty face that lead to room "null", it rendered the outdoors scene in it''s place.

So yes, probably. You should keep the outdoors and indoors scenes related, and linked, but in two separate data chunks. The list of rooms/portals for indoors, and a heightmap for outdoors.

Hope this helps!
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Have you ever play Project IGI? There are combinations of indoor and outdoor areas in almost every mission. I am wondering how do they store they data and what kind of tree do they use? I think they don''t use BSP for indoor areas because of LOD that is applied to all objects rendered including buildings which are indoor areas. So are there octrees? Any suggestions on implementing such an engine as Project IGI''s one? Any help would be appreciated.

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