Playstation / sega programming
To develop a PS game. U will have to get a development kit from Sony and the japs will ask u for $10000 for a piece.
And the next thing is a compiler. GNU and Codeworrior are 2 of the few choices. GNU is hard to use, and Codeworrior is full of bugs.
As to programming on PS itself. PS has 2M mem and 1M vram. The 3d capability is at about 0.3m triangles/sec. To get most out of it, today's PS programmers will have to write tons of assembly language(Mips R3000 cpu), especially for the displaying driver.
The only thing makes me a little bit comfortble is that PS has a vector processing unit which Sony calls GTE(Geometry Transformation Engine). Today in PC only high end display cards like Geforce256 have such a thing.
The reason why people still work for this thing is 60000000 PS's are out there in homes. And more than 3000 game titles are available.
So, the main differences between work on PS and PC are
1: Programming on PS is very much hardware relavent.
2: PS may offer better money.
3: Japs are PS's boss. You will have to pay "tax" to Sony for each copy of your game sold. (American should have some thing to fight back. - )
| The Black PSX is called the NetYaroze. Unfortunately, Sony isn't allowing new entries in to the development program (for the US at least) 'cause there aren't any more black PSXs (US vers?)
[This message has been edited by SonicSilcion (edited October 15, 1999).]
Sony is well known for the quality assurance, so, you might not be allowed to release your product if it's a bad one. As the other guys said, creating fast games on PSX is much harder than on PC, this will change with PSX2, but yet it is a hard job. You need to optimize anything and save memory where you can.
Skullpture Entertainment

As for the other boxes, they are even more expensive, and none of them have a hobby version like the net yaroze. (Nintendo for one, I believe, requires a SGI workstation as the development platform).
And, NO, chances are you can't simply re-compile your game for a console. They generally have completely different run-time libararies. You CAN, however, if you design with care, limit the amount of code you have to change to get it to work (But that's a general portability issue, not particularly related to consoles).
A word of advice: Forget the console market until you've prooven yourself on the PC.

Jaap Suter