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win32 api
In the form load proc I load the bmp of the tile into the picture box which is on a frame on the form. Whenever the user clicks on the form at the top left corner it should bitblt the picture from the pic box to (0,0) on the form but as I said before the picture shows up as a black square. The Procedure I am using with bitblt is SRCCopy. Should I be using that procedure?
Also, I'm not quite sure, but you load a bitmap into the picturebox (on the run I supose). I don't knw how the structure in a VB project is build up. But with VC++ you need to have the bitmap in the same directory as your executable file is. When VC++ compiles and runs the program it looks for the file in the directory right under the directory where the exectuable is located. Maybe it's such a problem.
I would definitely chck whether the file IS loaded (through a return value).
Maybe smeone with knowledge about VB should answer this question....
Dance with me......
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Just had a look at the last thing I wrote that did this and this is what I used
BitBlt picBackground.hdc, 0, 0, objfBitmap.Width, objfBitmap.Height, objfBitmap.hdc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY
(objfBitmap is an instance of vb class that some one here wrote that basicly just creates a GDI bitmap.)
so SRCcopy is probably ok.
Also I make quite heavy use of hte win32sdk.hlp help file.