
Code::Blocks Installation problem

Started by June 27, 2007 11:59 PM
1 comment, last by Mr Grinch 17 years, 3 months ago
I tried downloading and installing one of the nightly builds June 26th version for linux, but when using my installer package app it told me I didn´t have dependecies libwxtool2.8-0 so I went to synaptic package manager and downloaded all of the 2.8-0 libwx I could find, but still popped up saying hey you don´t have this dependencies so we´re not going to install the package for you. Do I have to reinstall the pc for changes to take effect; if not, why does it still say i don´t have the dependecies right after I know I searched, and installed them. What is the best route in getting Code::Blocks running on my linux system tonight, or tomorrow morning? Restarting PC, search for a not so updated nightly build? please help, and thanks for all who respond in advance.
c.s. Finch
Try looking for libwxtool on a site that stores binary packages. I had a similar problem getting C::B to run on Fedora 7. I finally just installed C::B through yum, although it was an older nightly. But if you find an older nightly, it might require wx2.6, not 2.8.

If that doesn't work, try looking on wxWidgets homepage. You might be looking for something that is part of the development package.

Hope this helps.
Try this:
sudo apt-get install build-essential gdb libwxgtk2.8-0 libwxgtk2.8-dev wx2.8-headers wx2.8-doc wx-common

Then do this:
sudo dpkg -i <Name_Of_Daily_Build.deb>

Does that work? I got those from here. I did a google search for "code blocks ubuntu" and that was the first result. That pages is a little confusing, since they include instructions for old nightly builds that require wx 2.6 in addition to the instructions for the more recent builds. I think that what I told you to do should work though...

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