
Point in poly test

Started by November 05, 1999 12:15 PM
-1 comments, last by Ake 25 years, 4 months ago

I'm trying to write a point in poly function for my lightmap creator.
Before I used a 2d point-in-poly test, but I want to use planes instead.
I tried this:

int CPoly::GetPointInPoly(CVector p){  CVector v1, v2, cNormal, tmp;  CPlane  plane;    cNormal = GetNormal( NULL );  for(int i = 0; i < m_iNumVertices; i++)  {    v1  = m_pPolyVert->m_pVertices[ m_iVertices ].cCoord;<BR>	tmp = cNormal.Crossproduct( v1 );<BR>    tmp.Normalize();<BR>	plane.m_cNormal = tmp;<BR>	plane.m_fDistance = - ( tmp.Dotproduct( p ) );<BR>	if( plane.m_fDistance < 0 )<BR>		plane.m_cNormal.Invert();<BR>    if( plane.PlaneSide( p ) < 0) <BR>		return 0;<BR>  }<BR>  return 1;<BR>}<BR></pre><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><BR>But that doesn't work at all  <IMG SRC=""><P>Greets Tobias

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