float bias = 1.0f;
// In order hidden neuron 1,
// hidden neuron 2,
// output
float bias_weights[3] = {0,0,0};
float h1_weights[2] = {0,0};
float h2_weights[2] = {0,0};
float out_weights[2] = {0,0};
float ActivationFunction(float weighted_sum)
return (float)(1 / (1 + exp(-weighted_sum)));
float OutputNeuron(float i1, float i2)
float wsum = (bias*bias_weights[2])+(i1*out_weights[0])+(i2*out_weights[1]);
return ActivationFunction(wsum);
float HiddenNeuron1(float i1, float i2)
float wsum = (bias*bias_weights[0])+(i1*h1_weights[0])+(i2*h1_weights[1]);
return ActivationFunction(wsum);
float HiddenNeuron2(float i1, float i2)
float wsum = (bias*bias_weights[1])+(i1*h2_weights[0])+(i2*h2_weights[1]);
return ActivationFunction(wsum);
float CalcOutput(float i1, float i2)
return OutputNeuron(HiddenNeuron1(i1,i2),HiddenNeuron2(i1,i2));
void Train(float i1, float i2, float desired_output)
float h1_ret = HiddenNeuron1(i1,i2);
float h2_ret = HiddenNeuron2(i1,i2);
float ActualOutput = CalcOutput(i1,i2);
float learning_rate = 0.5f;
// Calculate deltas for output layer then hidden layer
float delta[3];
delta[2] = ActualOutput*(1 - ActualOutput)*(desired_output - ActualOutput);
delta[0] = h1_ret * (1 - h1_ret) * (out_weights[0]) * (delta[2]);
delta[1] = h2_ret * (1 - h2_ret) * (out_weights[1]) * (delta[2]);
// Calculate weights for hidden layers
bias_weights[0] += learning_rate * bias * delta[0];
h1_weights[0] += learning_rate * i1 * delta[0];
h1_weights[1] += learning_rate * i2 * delta[0];
bias_weights[1] += learning_rate * bias * delta[1];
h2_weights[0] += learning_rate * i1 * delta[1];
h2_weights[1] += learning_rate * i2 * delta[1];
// Calculate weights for output layer
bias_weights[2] += learning_rate * bias * delta[2];
out_weights[0] += learning_rate * h1_ret * delta[2];
out_weights[1] += learning_rate * h2_ret * delta[2];
void main()
for(int i=0; i<10000; i++)
cout << "(0,0) = " << CalcOutput(0,0) << "\n";
cout << "(0,1) = " << CalcOutput(0,1) << "\n";
cout << "(1,0) = " << CalcOutput(1,0) << "\n";
cout << "(1,1) = " << CalcOutput(1,1) << "\n";
cout << flush;
Digital Radiation
Edited by - +AA_970+ on April 11, 2001 6:44:15 PM
Help me with my back prop. neural net
I've worked on a very simple back prop. neural net, but it dosen't solve the XOR problem. I tried it with other conditions such as AND and OR and it works perfect. Here's the code (I suspect there might be a problem in the training), please help me if u can.
Stupid me I didn''t realize the weights cannot be init. w/ 0 and have to be assigned random numbers between -1 and 1
Digital Radiation
Digital Radiation
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