
Should I write my own blitters?

Started by November 04, 1999 04:03 AM
15 comments, last by voodoo 25 years, 4 months ago
In our days I think even the budget cards support hardware blitting.
Hardcore Until The End.
any cards made in about the last 6 years have hardware acceleration (though maybe not to the same degree).

however, no cards have support for advanced blitting functions such as alpha blending, add-blending, etc etc, which is why we're all making our own.

-- Remnant

Yeah and MS promissed alpha blending in DX 7 I guess not!!!
Hardcore Until The End.
It must be taking Microsoft a little longer then expected to find someone to buy thier alpha blending code off them. (then take all the credit for developing it)
William Reiach - Human Extrodinaire

Marlene and Me

When you writting a game it can be very usefull to anticipate different hardware configurations, and take advantage of each.

Stuff to remember:
-Some AGP cards can hardware blit to and from system and video memmory very very fast, some actually use system ram as video ram (watch your system ram drop by up to 16Megs). Example Intel's I740 very nice graphics card.
-Some PCI cards support DMA blitting to and from system ram but to take advantage of hardware acceleration lock the surface, some cards can get around this.
-As far as I know no ISA card supports hardware blitting with system ram.

Write 3 update/blitting routines
1. Takes advantage of AGP cards that support system to video ram blits.
2. Takes advantage of DMA blitting if the lock call is not required use the 1st routine.
3. Write your own blitting routine in ASM for system to video ram blits as that will be faster then Direct X software blits.

If anyone wants more details on how to check for these features contact me on

Stibbs - Multimedia Expert

I am making a 16bit game engine and I have read articles here and there and say that it is better to write your own blitter routines cause the DX blit routines are to slow. So should I continue writting my own blit routines or should I use the DX BLT. The only advantage I c to writting my own bltters is for portability.
Hardcore Until The End.
ISA cards?? Do we even care about them anymore:P
Hardcore Until The End.

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