
Art specification

Started by June 14, 2007 07:27 AM
0 comments, last by Jarrod1937 17 years, 8 months ago
Help needed! We want to try working with art outsourcing companies and for this we want to make specification for art creation as fully as it possible. We think that it will help to optimize our cooperative work for the common benefit. While working with the internal team it was much easier and we didn't need so complete documents. But for now we'd like to derive some knowledge’s from the people who have more experience with this then we have. I'll much appreciate if somebody who has some example of the documents worth seeing will share them. Ideally I'd like to see some examples of the specifications related to character, vehicles, building, weapons creation but I'll be much thankful for any of the documents. I assume that the companies, whose main scope of work is concerned to outsource have seen lots of such specification. Thanks everybody in advanvce! Victor Gerasimov Digital Spray Studios.
not meaning to be rude, but here are some copy and pasted replies i've made in a few topics regarding polycoutn recently:
"it is impossible really, for a team outsider to give this type of suggestion. i am not familar with your engine tech, your environment setup, your character count, your target audience and as such your target hardware, your platform (assumign pc here), the 3d camera and as such how much screen space the characters will get compared to the environment and therefore how system resources are distributed out, nor am i familiar with the max possible enemy count and their polygon count, nor if your engine supports lod, if you want shader effects (increased render calls for this wwhich increase rendered tri count), nor about a bizzilion other things."

"low polygon coutn is needed because a graphics card will take any polgons and strip them down to triangles wherre the card then renders these. however cards can only do this so fast. if you create too many polygons you'll get a slideshow where the graphics card can not render the whole scene fast enough. as for how many polygons? a question that cna not be answered, read:
How many polygons in a piece of string?"

basically if you're outsourcing your art you will be given specs to follow, or atleast enough detail to derive those specs yourselves.
-------------------------Only a fool claims himself an expert

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