
I'm Starting Windows Programming

Started by October 30, 1999 01:08 AM
9 comments, last by King 25 years, 4 months ago
The "H" means that it is a "Handle" to the object. For example, an HWND object is a handle to a window. It is actually an integer value being represented by the object since it would be much harder to read and code "01010101110010101". This "Handle" is used so that your program knows what you are referring to in the code. Hope that helps a little.

Still Learning...

Still Learning...
on the topic...

does anyone know where i can get a good book on windows programming... assuming i already know c/c++..


The newest Windows Programming book by Charles Petzold. I'm not sure of the exact title but you can find it by an author search.

Former Microsoft XNA and Xbox MVP | Check out my blog for random ramblings on game development

I've heard a lot of good things about the Petzold book (Programming Windows), but I haven't read it. I personally really liked Windows 98 Programming from the Ground Up by Herb Schildt.
Programming Windows, Fifth Edition by Charles Petzold is probably the best resource for Windows programming.

Check it out at

I wish i could explain it better, but what i'm looking for is when you use these type variables, like say in a functions i would use HDC in, what does HDC do for that function? why does it need HDC? as opposed to another type variable?


[This message has been edited by King (edited October 29, 1999).]

You should check out the MSDN library (I think at least part of it is online at microsoft's site). It basically has everything on Windows programming. HDC is a handle to a device context. In other words, it's a handle to a printer or a screen (generally a screen). It's part of the Windows GDI (Graphics Device Interface) system, and let's you draw graphics and text on a device.

- Splat

And all of that is explained in Petzold's book. I think some things can be learned without a book, but there's just too much of the Windows API. Anyone learning Windows programming MUST have Petzold. I still refer to his pages quite often.
try here...

I just recently learned C/C++ and am currently trying to understand the Windows SDK deal, I don't understand the Variables of a certain type(such as HDC, or HWND) I was hoping if some of you are like me and don't really have much else to do, if you could send me a list of when and what HWND, HBITMAP, HDC, etc... they are. I really have no idea, and the documentation for VC++ doesn't help. I'm making a map maker for an upcomming game called Heathen which is quickly evolving into a classic RPG game like Earthbound, or Zelda. check it out at The MXF webpage... I appreciate whoever would help me out.

P.S. go ahead and reply or send an email, thanks again

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