
NEW no level system but Dynamic distribution of points .

Started by May 31, 2007 11:00 AM
4 comments, last by razoorsharp 17 years, 8 months ago
Hello all i hope some of you are willing to rate one of my systems i want to create in out debut title . First i will explain why i made it because this is important . in most RPG's i played and MMO RPG's i got irritated by the fact that people talk about what level they are in-game . It feels to me that computer talk really screws the immersion of the world you are in while i really love to roleplay . So i thought of this system that actually acts on the world and it's story rather than levels and other computer related things this way instead of aying i am level 68.. you can say i am devoted to "Name of god" Also the thing that bothered me is the gap between players and levels So if someone wanted to kill me with his level 60 character while i am level 55 he has a huge advantage over me and could kill me instantly .. The big irritation point with "Lineage2" Also this system prevents the mindless grinding that created too much tendium in my book . In almost all MMO's like Vanguard , Lineage , WOW i have to do quests that involve killing an x amount of monsters on a field and get some xp, and go out and start grinding from field to field as i go along to gain just a slight level Also it didn't make sense that players should constantly grind down monsters to advance.The way i see it this has nothing to do with your character in way's of roleplay and his personality.. So i had to think of a system that makes the mechanics story orientated and where the player develops it's personality through playing (roleplay) Where you still have epic skills you'd have to work for , but the way you work for it has more immersion than just grinding . Where the player can develop his skills in other way's (by making moral choices in any kind of way) than just fighting , with the old grinding still optional . Here is what i came up with . ************* We know through quest and behavior you assign yourself to a certain ideology by the way you do things. That ideology is defined with god's (1 high and 2 minor's) They determine what magical powers or skill's or features you have. Change the way you act or use weapon, you also change the ideology and your religion resulting in shifts as you see on the chart. Example 1: example1qq1.jpg Here you see a typical evil and chaotic character. He/She worships Sha-are and has it's minor's on Beserkath(male) and Platania (female) This means the main features are focussed on blood and through that it gains strength and preforms plague magic .. Stabbing with a poisoned sword would be optional and this player uses it as weapon3 (w3)&(w6) (w6 is the poisoned part of the blade) He/she also uses other weapons or items that use the attributes of the god . like a blood bow on weapon 1 (w1) but this player isn't trained that high in those arts and doesn't do much damage or isn't proficient The God's power can only be trained to 100% or 100 points divided over the given weapons. If this player starts to only use the sword in combat (w3&w6) the bow will reduce in % or points and those points or % will be given to W3&W6. If the Yellow (platania) . Because the sword only uses the W6 part of platania W4&5 will both go down at 50% he speed that W6 charges up.. If the sword would use W4&W6 of platania than itwould be different because than W4&W6 would go up at 50% the speed that W5 goes down. Thats the dynamic part of your gameplay making you actually play a role because beeing more efficient in Platania and Sha-are worshiping your rolplaying is adjusted to that and quest that reach your devotion criteria will open up to you. Now what would happen when i started training or worshiping another god? Lets say i like Apollyon because I really love to use destructive magic. See what happens! Example 2: example2vt7.jpg I have placed sacrificial offerings to apollyon on the altar and been generous and also did some of his quests and now use an explosive chant on my sword. so now i use W2 with Apollyon magic on it (the sword remains but grant you the power to cause explosions or any other destructive power). Because i may only have 2 minor god's in my ideology there's a contradicting value occurring. Because i trained 50% of apollyon my ideology towards him is greater than beserkath's. The skill's and weapons for beserkath become unusable. and in time when used the full 100% of apollyon's devotion the bar's for Beserkath are reduced to 0% or 0 points . While training or devoting yourself to Apollyon Beserkath will reduce thus taking away the same % or points you gain for apollyon from Bserkath in total. When te total of Apollyon becomes higher than Beserkath Beserkath will no longer be usable. While in the beginning the Apollyon skill's will not be usable while still beeing more devoted to Beserkath .. This makes it more realistic, if you are heavily devoted to 1 god it takes more effort to devote yourself to another. Now i wonder how it woul be if started worshiping good instead of evil? (Some races like Kal Almak do not have those options but will turn their appearence around into a Ferlinain, and he Makregna will turn into a quella at the same time) Example 3: example3st2.jpg Here you see that when you go good or act good and your quests have a good outcome instead of evil (roleplaying) you will get points on a good god. In this case the player had to give someone the blood disease and let him die a priest would later see f the deed has been done. Instead the player saved him from that same priest in a valiant way and prevented the priest from doing the job you where supposed to do. This grants you points in the Lion god Brorneo's devotion. When you add a point there while being evil it will count as 2 points and you will lose 2points over every single high and minor god you where devoted to in evil. When your high god's devotion from evil has less points left than the good high god all the skill's feats weapons you had will become unusable and you can start using the good one instead. SKILLS: Go back to example 1 . Some skill's have certain value's like what kind and how much damage they do or success rate . Look at yellow. Here's a platania skill and as you can see it's usable when you have 10 devotion points to platania . Ys1 uses the poisoned blade you used than so applies to W6 Because it is a 0 when you can use it and the total of the poisoned blade is trained to 50% the success rate will be 40% if poisoning someone. Some skill's are meant to never be a 100% successful but poisoning is not that much of a lethal skill so success at 90% maximum seems fair enough .when trained more and it's at 10% of he total weapon use the damage goes up too of the poisoning but those are other parameters. other skill's like Rs1 an Ps1 are for Sha-are and Beserkath devotion o weapon's or item's aswell and work the same way . How do you like this system? Suggestions are always welcome Ps: very simply put.. you are what you play. when you play a role you develop that way, take on another role and the rest changes with it. that way your character must actually preform roleplay to boost up skill's or change them by altering behavior ********************************** I have edited somethings .. Like you need to have 1 high god and 2 minor's 1 is male the other female . (contradicting value) You get 2 spell's per god standard to start your devotion, these will also get stronger as you go along the bar. When you start using a contradicting skill than your current devotion your bar shifts and the other skills become nullified except these skills (basic skills). preventing you from getting a 0% - 0% value where you can't use either skills . Your devotion can also be shifted through rituals found in books in the game . conducting them brings in additional spell's/skills and extra shift points on that certain god . Since we have balanced out god's 25 in total this will bring almost infinite possibilities of combinations . Also Basic skills = Standart skill available from start to start the devotion Standard skill = skill that requires devotion from a god to work . Combined skills = Skill that uses 2 bars , the high god bar and 1 minor god bar 1 giving the duration and the other effect (like damage etc) Demigod skills = overpowering skills that require a 100% devotion of both high god and at least 1 minor goth (both at 100%) hard to gain easy to lose.. This makes roleplaying and staying in character rewarding and challanging . Any idea's? We also need programmers (C/C++)who can build this with us .. also see our forum for more info about the game and it's world Copyright Pim Damen 2006-2007 all rights reserved
can anyone rate this??
of offer any suggestions . i really want someone's opinion who is also designing game mechanics

I really value other people's opinion .
I really like this mechanic because i am more of a roleplayer than a leveler .. i really value a game for it's story and in my opinion this creates the best of both worlds.
mixing computer talk and GUI with actual story, that doesn't screw urgency.

Other features of mind are build on this system..
I'll post that one later after a rating .. With this system and it's adittion it could make any MMORPG self sustaining.. so without updates of npc's the world changes itself in way's of quests and story .
Thats why the Dynamic part is so important
It seems original, but i don't see what worshipping a certain god will do for weapon damage. Does the god grant more power to the poison or bow? I dunno i've never been big on the roleplaying side, im more of a game mechanics lover. Good game mechanics and character building is key.
the weapon damage and things about poison depend on the god .

I thought it was in the design ...

Anyway . depending on the skilllike poison your devotion will play a part .
poison fall's under the Goddess Platania (goddess of plague & illness)

You get poison (or is available) at 10% on the devotion bar ..
By than it's very weak as you get more devotion points here lets say to 20% in total the poison will have a 10% succes rate.

Also the initial damage will go up.

I was thinking of kind of weapons and damage types to be in the same graph.. but after some work i decided it is best to use 2graphs instead of one .

The one you see above is for skills and attrebutes of certain special abilities .

Damage of the weapon itself (is ofcourse determand by the initial weapon damage,) is a different graph.. works the same way as the one you see above .

You train allot with your sword you will get better at swordfighting ..
Start to train with a bow you have a contridicting value and so sword goes down and bow will go up.. daggers are not influenced by this because they have no conflict (dexterity driven usually)

The system still need's some perfecting but the progression of the player is going to be like this , and i really like it because of the constant shifting.. you can grow stronger.. but aso become weaker in the course of the game .
So if i play an mmorpg for months and a noob comes in.. he can actually get the better of me if i don't play the game right(stick to character) or i want to change my devotion...

Just looking for programmers on my team who can help me balance things out and build the system....

Anyay weapons have a different graph andthe god's determand your initial strength dex con, etc + give you the set of skill's along the bar .


Sha-are (high goddess of blood and necromancy) : Constitution , magic.
Bezerkath (minor god of rage,anger) Dexterity con
Platania (minor goddess of plague & illness) Constitution ,magic

(haven't defined the different magic types but am gatting to it)

This would result in a character that has very high constitution and resistant to body effecting spell's, can use staff's wands and a dagger (weapons also have certain types example: magic dagger, stab dagger , melee staff , casting staff all focussed on this principle and use different attrebutes) that is very strong in the use of magic skills. weak to melee attacks .

Another combination

Brorneo (highgod of strength) strength , constitution
Anecval (Minor gof of crafting) Strength , intelligence
Amenia (minor goddess of healing) Constitution , magic

This would result in a great palladin. Wielding large weaponsand inflicting heavy damage damage in one blow .. Can to heal his/her self.
Hitpoints are still moderate .

Also every god uses the attrebutes differently
Devotion is the multiplier of those attrebutes the higheron the bar you are the higher the attrebutes will get .
Lets say Sha-are at 100% will grant you in total 300% of your starting constitution while a minor god only add's a number from 1 to 100 depending on your devotion ..

What iam saying is that each god has multiple attrebutesto play with only have other prioities .

(still have allot of balancingout to do which is a hard job having 25 god's in mind)

So now you know more on how it works.
And weapons use the attrebutes with their own graph as the god's to determand the final damage ..
The 2 do worktogether.. if you have allot of dexterity through worship and start wielding huge swords... you will get better at it.. but never as good as someone who worships Brorneo for example.

The combination is endless...

So if you use the first set i showed with Sha-are.. it's better to devote yourself to another high god like Bekep (high god of curses) which does have a strength attrebute (strength + magic).

Any more tips?? suggestions?? rating??

I could use every opinion on this system as i can ...
Hard thing is i have nothing to compare it to... because as far as i see it this system has never been done before .

Although I like the different outlook on not using experience as your mayor achievemnt value and the feeling the scenario with the gods create, their is one think that immedately comes to my mind: What if the skill I want does not belong to the alignment i want to play? I for example have just no fun in playing the bad guy, but still like to find great char builds by using and combining skills as freely as possibly, I just like to have an effective, cleverly designed our original character.
When you have nothing to say,I advise you talk nonsense :D
well you can't have everything .. Like in Neverwinter Nights baldur's gate and almost every other RPg you are more restricted than here .

The god's come in multiple catagories just like your allignment in NWN2 . Chaotic(evil;) Neutral and Lawful (good)

It';s not really a matter of good and evil but between , indifferent, compasionate, ruthless, macabre etc etc.. every god has it's own idiology combining 3 of them makes your personal philosophy .
Like i say'd this system is not static like the level system but fully Dynamic because of the conditions in programming that direct points to every god and if that one contradicts with your existing ones you shift at least 1 minor of 1 high god. making the other devotion stringer while the other decreases

So basicly...... you can have every skill you want... but with limitations.
Evil (as you call it) can have simular skills as the good part ..
Beserkath : God of Rage & anger : Bloodlust = increase health and speed by dealing damage (friend of foe) (concept)

Amenia : Goddess of Healing (health): motherly bond = by healing others the health they recieve you get 70% of (max, depending on devotion so skill starts at 30%)

A bit simular..
You also have neutral god's that both good and evil can play..
Take a look on the site and the forum ( can be down due to maintainance) and look in the Mythology section .

The skills are made up by the way...
But is a good idea none the less... I have to give the free skill's a thought but i think i really am gonna restrict it to the god's andkeep it as it is or the game would not be balanced enough .
I can give god's simular skills on good and evil with a different philosophy, hats is optional.

Thnx for the tip though..

But if you want to raise the dead (defile the bodies you should respect according to Isa) through the power of Necromancy (Sha-are) Forget getting any favor's from god's like Isa (they are eachothers nemesis) look up the Document of Sha-are and you see why ..

So every skillset belonging to each god
(1 god 1 skill set, in all cases the combo of a minor and high god have combined skills each god fill's in a certain parameter of that skill (duration,damage, succes rate anything)
And when oth 100% you get a demi god skill..

Since you can choose allot of Minor's with your high god the combinations of skills are almost endless..
The only things that cannot be combined are true good and true evil ones ..... that would not make a good philosophy. and because the system works with contradicting (typo i know) value's these restrictions must be in the game, in order to work well.

One other thing...
you do NOT build a character........... you are your own character from the start.. think of the moral state of your character and try to live like that character in-game.. thats the idea behind the game..Not building... but being

Thats what the term ROLEPLAY really means.

If you start to behave in another way... you will play in another way according to the philosophy (god combination) you act on.
Do you believe the stronger must rule over the weak, and the weakest must be cleansed from the world ?/??
Than you get points on Platania

Do you envy someone? or are very vain?
You get points on Sha-are (and lose on Isa)

To you admire people who show courage? or are you someone who go's up against great threats and be victorious in the end?

You get points on Brorneo .(And lose on Masjalaa)

Are you a compasionate person who show's mercy?

You get points on Isa (and lose on Sha-are)

Do you respect nature?

You get points on Weberkar (and lose on Bekep)

etc etc .

Thats the way it works..
So there are going to be allot of conversations in the game that uses this but which good roleplay game doesn't have a good amount of dialog.

This can be used in Singleplay and in MMORPG.. for MMORPG it would be ideal..

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