Must admit I'm at a loss here. If I call the function CompileScript from my kernel I get massive errors from AS on compiling (unknown symbol at row 1 col 1 ). It breaks on the build(...) command.
This doesn't work:
//called from here
void TKernel::InitializeScript()
TScript::GetInstance().ExposeFn("void Log(string message)",asFUNCTION(TLog::WriteToLog));
void TScript::AddScript( std::string scriptPath)
int r = 0; //return value from AS
int len = 0; //length of script
std::string script; //holds script
std::string sname; //name used to reference script
//load script from file on disk
script = m_script.lookup("Script.script");
sname = m_script.lookup("Script.scriptName");
len = script.length();
catch (libconfig::ParseException& e)
throw TFatalException("Script: Error on line: " + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(e.getLine()) +
". Error: " + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(e.getError()) + " In file: " + scriptPath
+ " \n\n Stack:\nTScript::CompileScript()");
catch (libconfig::FileIOException& e)
throw TFatalException("Failed to load script file. \n\nReason: Failed to open file " + scriptPath
+ ".\n Stack:\n TScript::CompileScript()");
catch(libconfig::SettingNotFoundException &e)
throw TFatalException("A required setting in " + scriptPath + "was not found. \n\n Stack: TScript::CompileScript()\n");
catch (...)
throw TFatalException("Unknown error parsing " + scriptPath + " \n in TScript::CompileScript()" );
// Add the script sections that will be compiled into executable code.
// If we want to combine more than one file into the same script, then
// we can call AddScriptSection() several times for the same module and
// the script engine will treat them all as if they were one. The script
// section name, will allow us to localize any errors in the script code.
r = m_engine->AddScriptSection(0, sname.c_str(), &script[0], len, 0, false);
if( r < 0 )
TLog::GetInstance().LogMessage("TScript::CompileScript","AddScriptSection() failed on" + scriptPath,MSG_ERROR);
throw TFatalException("AddScriptSection() failed on " + scriptPath + "\n\nIn:\nTScript::CompileScript() ");
// Compile the script.
void TScript::CompileScripts()
// Compile the script. If there are any compiler messages they will
// be written to the message stream that we set right after creating the
// script engine. If there are no errors, and no warnings, nothing will
// be written to the stream.
int r = m_engine->Build(0);
if( r < 0 )
TLog::GetInstance().LogMessage("TScript::CompileScript","Build() failed" ,MSG_ERROR);
throw TFatalException("Build() failed failed on module 0 \n\nIn:\nTScript::CompileScript() ");
yet this works
//called from here
void TKernel::InitializeScript()
TScript::GetInstance().ExposeFn("void Log(string message)",asFUNCTION(TLog::WriteToLog));
void TScript::AddScript( std::string scriptPath)
int r = 0; //return value from AS
int len = 0; //length of script
std::string script; //holds script
std::string sname; //name used to reference script
//load script from file on disk
script = m_script.lookup("Script.script");
sname = m_script.lookup("Script.scriptName");
len = script.length();
catch (libconfig::ParseException& e)
throw TFatalException("Script: Error on line: " + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(e.getLine()) +
". Error: " + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(e.getError()) + " In file: " + scriptPath
+ " \n\n Stack:\nTScript::CompileScript()");
catch (libconfig::FileIOException& e)
throw TFatalException("Failed to load script file. \n\nReason: Failed to open file " + scriptPath
+ ".\n Stack:\n TScript::CompileScript()");
catch(libconfig::SettingNotFoundException &e)
throw TFatalException("A required setting in " + scriptPath + "was not found. \n\n Stack: TScript::CompileScript()\n");
catch (...)
throw TFatalException("Unknown error parsing " + scriptPath + " \n in TScript::CompileScript()" );
// Add the script sections that will be compiled into executable code.
// If we want to combine more than one file into the same script, then
// we can call AddScriptSection() several times for the same module and
// the script engine will treat them all as if they were one. The script
// section name, will allow us to localize any errors in the script code.
r = m_engine->AddScriptSection(0, sname.c_str(), &script[0], len, 0, false);
if( r < 0 )
TLog::GetInstance().LogMessage("TScript::CompileScript","AddScriptSection() failed on" + scriptPath,MSG_ERROR);
throw TFatalException("AddScriptSection() failed on " + scriptPath + "\n\nIn:\nTScript::CompileScript() ");
// Compile the script.
void TScript::CompileScripts()
// Compile the script. If there are any compiler messages they will
// be written to the message stream that we set right after creating the
// script engine. If there are no errors, and no warnings, nothing will
// be written to the stream.
int r = m_engine->Build(0);
if( r < 0 )
TLog::GetInstance().LogMessage("TScript::CompileScript","Build() failed" ,MSG_ERROR);
throw TFatalException("Build() failed failed on module 0 \n\nIn:\nTScript::CompileScript() ");
No changes to the script. Only differences in the code is that compileScripts is called from addScript instead of the from the kernel.
m_engine is a private member var of TScript.
Am I being silly and have just missed something?