
Display Lists Problem

Started by April 05, 2001 09:31 PM
1 comment, last by valg3 23 years, 7 months ago
Alright, I don''t know if anyone else has had this problem before, but I''ll give a try at explaining this. I have a class in a header file to represent my object. In the constructor I have it perform the following code to program a display list. The variable "Head" is GLuint Head, a member of the class. Head = glGenLists(1); GLUquadricObj *obj; obj = gluNewQuadric(); glNewList(Head,GL_COMPILE); glColor3f(0.0f,0.0f,1.0f); gluSphere(obj,1.0f,32,32); glEndList(); So from there the object Head should be initialized. So, I have a Render() function within the class that will call the list. It only contains the following two lines: glTranslatef(0.0f,0.0f,-5.0f); glCallList(Head); After that render function is called, it doesn''t draw a dang thing. All I see is black, my clear screen color. Has anyone had this problem before? If I separate these into 2 functions and separate them from the class (and have them in main.cpp) then the code works. Any suggestions?
Yikes, sounds like a problem. Make sure your class is getting called every cycle, that could be your problem. (One time I had a similar problem when I was using scissor testing... turns out, after the first time I drew, I forgot to disable the scissor test, so my hud appeared frozen! doh!)

The Rainmaker
Grr...I figured out what was going on and it''s weird all right. For some reason my class isn''t calling the default constructor when created. Oh well, there''s other ways. Thanks.

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