

Started by October 10, 1999 05:33 PM
4 comments, last by Scorpion 25 years, 4 months ago
I don't know how helpful theyll be to you if your new to DirectX, but the DirectX SDK help has all the stuff your looking for. The best idea is to get a book like Windows Game Programming for Dummies though. Hopefully you won't be upset by the Dummies title .

As for a compiler I personally prefer Visual C++, but there are many other good ones out there such as Watcom and Borland.


I also recommend picking up a copy of Inside DirectX. It covers alot of stuff the dummies book doesnt... I know i have both of them. Main thing dummies is missing is directplay. Thue there is little on 16+ color and such.
Hmm yeah, thnx, but aren't there doc's about directx etc.. ?

And do you have ISBN numbers of those books, you just named? thnx.

icq# 10251921

Inside DirectX (English) ISBN: 1572316969
Inside DirectX (German) ISBN: 3860634364
The Dummies Book ISBN: 0764503375
Is there anyone with tutorials, docs, information, samples on how to use the directx?? (C++)

Which c++ is best to be used? visual c++?

icq# 10251921

thnx all!

icq# 10251921

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