
Tiberian Sun Landscapes and Units

Started by October 08, 1999 08:38 PM
1 comment, last by Arax 25 years, 4 months ago
You've seen UFO (or X-COM or whatever), right? I think TS' landscape works pretty much like it's... Basically it's a heightmap.

How the bridges fit into this... As there are no bridges over bridges, I think that bridges are more or less patched into engine with bubblegum. A special case, if you want to put it that way.

And remember, this is what I think. Of course I could be wrong - but when I witnessed a lightning hitting ground and how the crater formed, I'm convinced that I'm at least on right tracks...

I am wondering if anyone has any idea on how the voxel landscapes and units can be done in C++
Please Help
The bridges are sprites, as are the units and buildings. The landscape is probably voxels.

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