
Milkshape 3D still around?

Started by May 03, 2007 05:24 AM
1 comment, last by gibber10 17 years, 10 months ago
Hey, I'm unable to reach the Milkshape website... I've been away from gamedev for a while (only a hobbier anyway). I wondered if it was still being developed, but either way I'd like the latest version, since I payed for a licence a while back. Anyone know what the latest version is? I've managed to find a mirror of 1.7ish but I'm sure its gone further than that now. Thanks
Google cached it on April 29th 2007 and the last newsitem was on April 19th. So I guess they're experiencing server problems.
Great, thanks.

I suspected as much tbh.

The news page actually refers to a few probems with their server in march, so that must be it.

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