
Explosion effect in 2D

Started by September 23, 1999 01:52 AM
1 comment, last by 25 years, 5 months ago
I can't remember which forum exactly, but someone on here posted a particle explosion system (with web-based demo) in Java within like the last 4 days, I think. If you can't find it, email me at and I'll send you what they had for download.



Christianity, Creation, metric, Dvorak, and BeOS for all!
Hi everyone. I'm writing a side-scroller arcade(strange, isn't it?). The gameplay is very simple, all you gotta do is not get hit by an asteroid, and I want to make the game shareware, so I depend on how good it looks. The asteroids are attracted to each other, and when they hit each other there is an explosion(there is an explosion every 5 seconds on average). I want to make the explosion effect real time, because it's really gonna spice up the game.
Any ideas on how to set up a particle system, so it would make the explosions look pretty?
I think you're referring to a post I made earlier.

Check out the JavaExtreme site on the hosted sites list. There is a link on there:

The link shows how to do explosion effects in Java. Hope it helps.




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