
Drum machine...

Started by April 10, 2007 10:53 AM
5 comments, last by Anomalie 17 years, 10 months ago
Does anybody knows of a good drum machine program with realistic sound and with real time editing mode, By real-time i mean that you can punch keys on the keyboard and it will play. Thanks.
There's a myriad of choices.
Here's two I've used in the past and like very much:

D-Lusion DrumStation
HammerHead Rhythm Station

They are both free, but I don't know about "punching keys on the keyboard". They're real-time though.

Here's my favorite VST Drum Synths. You can use them with just about any VST host, I use Psycle because it's free. (

Drumatic 3
Dr-Fusion 2

Enjoy :D
You're looking at a wanna-be right now :P
I reccomend getting an M-Audio Trigger Finger MIDI controller, and either use Native Instruments Battery or Ableton Live bundled with the Trigger Finger and use their built-in Drum Machine. Of course if you're short on money that's another thing. Right now I either use Redrum in Reason (which is more of a sequencing drum machine) or the drum sounds on my Yamaha MO8. Production synths will have drum sounds on you. As for the drum machines, all of the sounds will depend upon the samples you use and the effects you use on them, so the sound itself can vary. I've heard the one most used is NI's Battery, but I don't know much and I only have a demo of it. You can get a demo of Battery and Live 6 online and try them out.
i got the D-Lusion DrumStation and is there a tutorial that anyone knows of that could help me.
Check this out -

It's really easy to use, really. :)
You're looking at a wanna-be right now :P
I am Using Acoustica Beatcraft and i Want To Sample a Kit so i can put onto beatcraft and use it. Any help?

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