
Any good free level editors/radiosity lightmappers?

Started by March 31, 2007 06:45 PM
-1 comments, last by cowsarenotevil 17 years, 11 months ago
I'm in need of a good free level editor and lightmapper that doesn't cost anything. I'm using Deled Lite and Light Map Maker right now, which works acceptably. Unfortunately the free version doesn't have any way of doing smooth normals and the light mapper is just plain awful. So what I really need is something that would allow me to build a level with a reasonable amount of freedom (at very least I'd like to be able to import things in various formats and piece them together), texture map it, and then make good-looking light maps. I simply don't have the free time to write a bunch of file format importers/exporters so I'd like something that actually works without a lot of tinkering. Right now this is what I end up needing to do in order to get it to work: -Get level to look good in Deled -export it into some format -import it into Milkshape 3D to weld vertices because for whatever reason the polygons suddenly no longer form a continuous mesh -export it into some format -import it into Wings3D because for whatever reason the normals still don't work in Light Map Maker -export it into some format -import it into Light Map Maker -retexture the entire thing -place lights and generate lightmaps Surely there must be some better way without spending money? Someone help me please [headshake]
-~-The Cow of Darkness-~-

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