
How to use BSP trees with display list

Started by March 29, 2001 08:27 AM
2 comments, last by Ehawki 23 years, 10 months ago
Hi, I''ve been trying to find a way to us BSP trees with display list. Currently, each 3D object is a display list, I call opengl to render them every time. I assume that openGL will do all the work, but it is slow. I have a normal walking demo (keboard movements and mouse movements), everytime I walk toward a place in 3D space that has lots of polygon it''s very slow, but every time I am facing somewhere that has less the engine speed up tremendously. Is there anything I can do to speed it up my demo? What I thought is to use BSP trees, but then that would mean I would have to change my display list quite often Thanks for your help.
I do not think that using BSP trees for the models will speed things up. BSP trees is for big worlds. The only thing you get from the BSP tree in your situation is backface culling. A display list with backface culling enabled should not be a lot slower. Can anybody that has tried it confirm?

Thanks for your respond
Hah, I am kinda surprised someone would try that, for many reasons.

First, as already stated, bsp trees = !levels! Never try loading a model with a bsp tree, because there are too many polygons too close togethor.

Second, using bsp trees with display lists is kinda like an oxymoron. A paradoxymoron, hehe. The bsp tree should handle whatever speed increase you require... display lists I would almost imagine slowing you down, or having no effect. There is always a too-much point.

The Rainmaker

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