

Started by February 24, 2007 06:58 PM
433 comments, last by sirGustav 17 years ago
I'm in. I am so incredibly in. Looking at last year's elements, I could feel the ideas rolling in. I'm in the middle of the Shmup-Dev contest and I'll be entering Speedhack, so I'm looking at a slow start, but I don't care.

This might be the push I need to finish learning OpenGL...
"It is not enough to merely faces one's fears. One must run screaming toward them,"
I'm so very in aswell. :)
Just another dozen hours of waiting, I hope.

EDIT: Nope. Maybe a dozen days... or a half dozen weeks... hmm...

[Edited by - eat2thepieseye on September 7, 2007 7:09:49 PM]
Superpig is going to slap me for this.. but I want to post just to see if it makes people look :)
Quote: Original post by Saruman
Superpig is going to slap me for this.. but I want to post just to see if it makes people look :)

It got me to look, and I don't even plan to participate in the contest! [lol]

Check out my new game Smash and Dash at:

Made me look lol
Quote: Original post by Saruman
Superpig is going to slap me for this.. but I want to post just to see if it makes people look :)

It did. I hate you.
______________________________________________________________________________________With the flesh of a cow.
Quote: Original post by Saruman
Superpig is going to slap me for this.. but I want to post just to see if it makes people look :)

You naughty boy, you [smile].

I admit I'm one of those people regularly checking on the vibe for the 4E6 contest. I was considering entering the contest earlier in the year, but my ability to participate dwindles with each passing month. Since I'm going to be pretty flat out from now to March, if the contest is launched in September then the best I could hope for is a dinky little mini-game simply to say I finally entered a Four Elements contest. But I'm still insanely curious as to what the four elements will be this year.

I think it's the ignorance of what's going on behind the scenes that's cuasing people to get antsy. What's the current hold-up? My reading of the situation a month ago was that we were almost ready to go.

Ahh September 1st, beautiful day to start a contest ehh?
its already so many replyes, give us elements! the masses are waiting [grin] tommorow shade your world is ending, so lets hope [grin]

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