
Why you don't answer?

Started by March 24, 2001 05:27 PM
11 comments, last by edubezter 23 years, 10 months ago
I did a simple question (here and in the music related forum) some days ago: >Is there an easy way programming with DX to replace the poor >sounds of my soundcard when I run midifiles with real sounds >stored in wav files? >I dunno if it''s the right place for posting this question, but >I hope someone help me =) >Tnx in advance > >EDU Possible answers are: a) I don''t know, I never did that b) Yes, there is a way, but you should use another tools because it''s too hard with DX c) Yes... it''s not hard, all you need to do is... d) Go away, nobody wants you here!!!
greetz...+--------+| EDU |+--------+
Have a look at Theay have a cool app which converts MIDI to .MOD and BASS, a cool API which can play them.
You really wanted half a dozen "I don''t know I''ve never done that before" answers?

:: Jamie Interactive ::
First off, patience is a virtue. Learn it.

Yes, rather than using your sound card's sound fonts, DirectMusic emulates Roland sound fonts, which I personally like. If you would like to see this in action, pick up the little freeware MIDI player I wrote at, browse for your file, and enjoy. If you would like to write your own DirectMusic libraries to do this yourself, it really isn't hard at all.

I believe that DirectMusic will also allow you to import your own .wav files to be used, however, I have never bothered using this extended functionality.


Edited by - felisandria on March 25, 2001 7:25:06 PM
~ The opinions stated by this individual are the opinions of this individual and not the opinions of her company, any organization she might be part of, her parrot, or anyone else. ~
I think you got ignored since people either didnt know, or knew you havent tried- because if you had you''d known the answer.

It''s like asking if using software rendering is possible if I have a hardware accelerated video card.

Magmai Kai Holmlor
- The disgruntled & disillusioned
- The trade-off between price and quality does not exist in Japan. Rather, the idea that high quality brings on cost reduction is widely accepted.-- Tajima & Matsubara
And if he had said ''I''ve tried everything'' would it have helped?

Don''t kid yourself. No one replied because people are lazy, self-centred things. It''s the way we are - no one''s fault. Keep posting until someone replies, or the moderator bans you and you finally get some attention

1C3-D3M0N Interactive
[" onmouseOver="window.status='Mail The_Minister'; return true" onmouseOut="window.status=' '; return true]The_Minister[/email]1C3-D3M0N Interactive
The_Minister: Maybe, but this isn''t an answering-machine. You can''t just put your questions in one end and expect an answer in the other. It''s up to the very goodwill of other people to answer what they want, if they want, right?
It would probably not help if he HAD said that he''d tried everything, since if he had, he would have found the answer in less than a minute by looking in msdn under DirectMusic and downloadable sounds.
I''m sorry if I sound like an angry farmer who had horse-sh*t for lunch, but I kind of resent this give-me attitude that has become more and more common for each year internet has been publicly available. Everyone wants to make a game, but they want others to do the work for them (thinking and looking things up). The best way (the only way?) to learn IMHO is by trial and error.
Again I''m sorry if I sound harsh, but getting pissed off when you don''t get an answer in this forum (and others as well) is like getting pissed off when you''re invited to someone for dinner and you are not served first.
Original post by Magmai Kai Holmlor

It''s like asking if using software rendering is possible if I have a hardware accelerated video card.

Hmmm, is it?

- Houdini

- Houdini
Don''t make me break out my rail gun.

Magmai Kai Holmlor
- The disgruntled & disillusioned
- The trade-off between price and quality does not exist in Japan. Rather, the idea that high quality brings on cost reduction is widely accepted.-- Tajima & Matsubara
Don''t make me break out my "close" button. *grin*

Minister: don''t even THINK about it.

Perhaps nobody replied because he didn''t bother waiting for his original post to be found and answered by someone who knew. Do I help when I find a question I can help with? Yeah, if I have time. If I don''t have time I do it later. If you can''t wait a couple days to get your answer then go flipping look it up, it would have only taken 15 minutes for even someone really, really bad at searching to find the answer to that one. I''m not getting paid to sit around with my finger on the browser''s "refresh" button to ensure that every question get answered withing seconds of getting asked.

~ The opinions stated by this individual are the opinions of this individual and not the opinions of her company, any organization she might be part of, her parrot, or anyone else. ~

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