
Another c++ question

Started by December 28, 1999 03:06 PM
7 comments, last by 25 years, 2 months ago
Make sure you have ddraw.lib linked to your project. That should fix it.


Do also make sure there is no old version of the DirectX SDK somewhere in the path of the compiler, because then it may use the old one instead of the new one.
When i first got to work with DX7, i found out that i had to set the DX7 header and lib directories on the first row at the direction-options menu. Later on, i also found this must-do in a DOC about DX7


"Who need more than 64kb of RAM?" -Bill gates -89

--Electron"The truth can be changed simply by the way you accept it.""'General failure trying to read from file' - who is General Failure, and why is he reading my file??"
I linked in the ddraw.lib file from c:\mssdk\lib\borland directory, (i'm using borland c++ 5.02) but i still get an error:
Error: Error: Unresolved external '_IID_IDirectDraw7' referenced from C:\BC5\LOGAN\DIRECT.OBJ

i'm including the ddraw.h with the following line:

seems that last post got cut of oddly... anyway the line is

is there something wrong with this?

oh, it's cuz of the html hehe
well for now pretend that ( is a less than sign and ) is a greater than sign
#include (c:\mssdk\include\ddraw.h)
Also make sure you have dxguid.lib linked to your project. :-)
since my last question here was quickly answered, i thought i'd try again =) this time i'm trying to make some DirectDraw code but when i try to compile i get the following errors:
Error: Error: Unresolved external '_IID_IDirectDraw7' referenced from C:\BC5\LOGAN\DIRECT.OBJ
Error: Error: Unresolved external 'DirectDrawCreateEx' referenced from C:\BC5\LOGAN\DIRECT.OBJ

i have included the ddraw.h file found in the sdk... i tried compiling some example DirectDraw code and got the same errors. what do i do? thanks

Are you using the Borland librarys supplied with the DirectX SDK or the libs in the SDK's Lib directory.
Borland and Microsoft use different formats for *.lib files and all of the *.lib files in the SDK \Lib directory use the Microsoft format. You have to use the Borland versions with BC++5.02. The Borland versions are in the SDK directory \Lib\Borland.

If it is feasable for you, you might want to consider switching to Visual C++ rather than use BC++. BC++ is pretty much a dead product and Borland is not providing any support or updates for it any more. Inprise (AKA Borland) wants you to move to C++ Builder.

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