
Anybody else ever had this problem?

Started by February 13, 2007 06:49 PM
11 comments, last by jafe 17 years, 6 months ago
it might be worth mentioning that

a) many dual-core computers need a patch to sync or they get jerky during play of some games.

b) many sound card drivers have issues, but the strangest 1 I have is that my X-Fi card causes crazy jerkiness in Guild Wards (but no other game I own), and Guild Wars works fine with all 3 of my computer's integrated sound chips (different vendors and drivers). Strange stuff happens sometimes. Its so bad, a patch didn't fix it, new drivers haven't yet fixed it, so I actually have to go to control panel and switch my active sound device to my integrated sound card jut to play guild wars - and replug in my speakers :).

c) ALWAYS try new video card drivers for ANY game problems or ANY type. They just fix stuff nearly every month (and break stuff once in a while too, so once I'm working really well, I don't patch for 6-12 months or whenever I experience my first bad behavior again).
This has nothing to do with game programming.

Moving to the hardware forum.
Quote: Original post by Ravuya
This has nothing to do with game programming.

Moving to the hardware forum.

I initially started in game programming forum as I thought something that I had made (via programming) was the cause. So I was checking if anybody who also game programmed had ever experienced this problem with their own projects.

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