
Moving Borland code to MSVC++ 6, help!

Started by December 27, 1999 11:54 AM
1 comment, last by Vore 25 years, 2 months ago
Just off the top of my head, but are you using the MSVC++ DirectX compatible .lib's? There are two different versions (Borland and MS compatible ones)


Greetings all (Merry Christmas too)... I'm having some problems moving my code from Borland C++ 5 to MSVC++ 6. The problem is, I keep getting errors saying things like "test2.obj - *insert class/struct/typedef here* has already been defined in test.obj" (I made up the file names, it's just general)

Anyways, the majority of these errors seem to come from DirectX files saying things like "_GUID_SysKeyboard has already been defined in ddraw.h"

Anyone got any ideas?? Thanks!

Thanks for your reply... I've started a new post that is a little more problem specific, MSVC++ 6 Errors, but originally, no I didn't have the right .libs, I fixed that up though, but thank you again anyways!

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